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Deployment OverviewΒΆ

  1. Install Helm: Ensure you have Helm installed on your local machine. You can install Helm by following the instructions provided on the Helm website: Helm Installation Guide.

  2. Prepare a Kubernetes Cluster: Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster up and running with an Ingress Controller configured. You can use a cloud provider's managed Kubernetes service or set up your own Kubernetes cluster using tools like Kubernetes in Docker (KIND) or Minikube

    Note: We do not recommend Rancher Desktop for deploying Helm; we have sometimes seen issues with PostgreSQL while using Rancher. Instead, we recommend KIND or Minikube, which are lightweight and appropriate for dev setup.

  3. Database Services Configuration:

    • Determine where you want to run the database services (Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL).
    • For a development environment, you can set to true in your configuration. In this mode, Gen3 will deploy these services with minimal persistence and resource consumption.
    • For non-development environments (such as production), it is recommended to run these services externally from the Gen3 Helm charts. You will need to configure these services separately.
  4. Prepare a values.yaml Configuration File:

    • Create a values.yaml file to customize the Gen3 deployment. This file will contain various configuration settings for your Gen3 deployment.
    • Refer to the Configuration services with Helm section (see navigation menu on the left) for a full list of configurations for each Gen3 service. Customize the configuration according to your requirements.
  5. Prepare SSL Certificate:

    • Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate for securing your Gen3 deployment. You can use a certificate authority (CA) or use Let's Encrypt with Certbot for free certificates.
    • Ensure you have a valid domain name for your Gen3 deployment.

      A certificate can be created using certbot. It will ask you to create a DNS TXT record to verify domain ownership.

      Text Only
      sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d

      Complete the DNS challenge, wait for DNS (1-5 min) and then click continue.

      Once you have the certificate, create a Kubernetes secret with it.

      Text Only
      kubectl create secret tls <secret-name> --cert=<path-to-certificate.pem> --key=<path-to-key.pem>

      We will use this secret later on in our deployment.

  6. Deployment with Helm:

    • Deploy Gen3 using Helm. Use the following command, replacing [RELEASE_NAME] with your desired Helm release name and [VALUES_FILE] with the path to your values.yaml file:
    helm install [RELEASE_NAME] gen3/gen3 -f [VALUES_FILE]