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Helm Overview

Helm Overview

Helm plays a crucial role in simplifying the deployment and management of Gen3 components within your environment. It is a Kubernetes package manager that allows you to define, install, and upgrade even complex applications with ease.

Role of Helm in Gen3 Deployment

In a Gen3 deployment, Helm serves as the primary tool for:

  • Defining Deployments: Helm uses configuration files called charts to define how Gen3 components should be deployed. These charts encapsulate the necessary configuration, dependencies, and deployment logic.

  • Installation: Helm streamlines the process of installing Gen3 components into your Kubernetes cluster. With Helm, you can easily deploy Gen3 services, databases, and other essential components.

  • Configuration Management: Helm simplifies the management of configuration settings for Gen3 services. You can customize settings, such as database connection details, service replicas, and more, through Helm values.

  • Upgrades and Rollbacks: As Gen3 evolves, Helm enables you to effortlessly upgrade your deployment to the latest versions. In case of issues, it also provides the ability to roll back to previous configurations.

Installation and Configuration of Helm

If you haven't already installed and configured Helm for your Gen3 deployment, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Install Helm by following the official Helm installation guide for your specific platform.

With Helm installed and configured, you are ready to deploy and manage Gen3 components effortlessly, ensuring a smooth and efficient Gen3 data commons deployment.